Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

EFT saves you time and the expense of checks, stamps and envelopes. Plus, EFT means no more lost or late payments. Cincinnati Life automatically deducts your payment from your checking or savings account every month. Your payment arrives on time every time.

Never worry about missing a payment again.

To enroll, print and complete the Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Agreement. Fax the completed form along with a voided or photocopied check (checking account) or deposit slip (savings account) to 513-870-2095 or mail to:

The Cincinnati Life Insurance Company
Attn: Life Premium Accounting
P.O. Box 145496
Cincinnati, OH 45250-5496

Can't print the form?

Contact your agent to arrange to have your premium payment automatically deducted from your checking or savings account. Monthly, quarterly, semiannual and annual pay plans are available.

If you are a life, disability income or annuity policyholder without an agent, and you need assistance, you may call 877-564-0214 to sign up for EFT.